Learning the Steps and Choreography

For this month’s choreography, you are going to the learn the spiciest Latin dance style, SALSA! We will be teaching you some of the most popular and important dance basics. Feel free to use our playlist to practice. Also, we encourage you to be creative with the moves that you’ve learned. You can mix and match the steps and create a dance pattern that both you and your partner enjoy. Have fun dancing!

Dance Demo

Learn the Steps

Learn the Routine

Written Pattern

Intro (4 sets of 8)

Shimmy around each other (3rd set of 8)

Follower’s Right Turn, Face loop into Dance Position

Pattern 1 (4 sets of 8)


Follower’s Right Turn (end in handshake hold)

Basic (with follower’s face loops)


Pattern 2 (4 sets of 8)

Cross Body Lead

Alternating Turns with Face Loop (No basic to start)

Cross Body Lead

Pattern 3 (4 sets of 8)

2nd Position Breaks (2 sets)

Send Out, Inside Turn to Closed Position

Circular Dip