Learning the Steps and Choreography
For this month’s choreography, you will be learning a romantic choreography to the song. “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. We will be reviewing some old moves that you’ve learned previously as well as learning new moves that will spice up your dancing even more! You are welcome to dance it to any song that has a similar tempo. Feel free to use our playlist to practice. Also, we encourage you to be creative with the moves that you’ve learned. You can mix and match the steps and create a dance pattern that both you and your partner enjoy. Have fun dancing!
Dance Demo
Review these Steps
Now, Learn these New Steps
Learn the Routine
Written Pattern
Intro (4 sets of 8)
Walk out
Follower’s double turn
Cradle and lean
Roll out and step into position
Dance Pattern 1 (begins ‘And darling I will be loving you…’)
Rotating Basic
Double Turn to Duo Turn
The Hammerlock Highlight (4 sets of 8) with an additional basic at the end
Dance Pattern 2
Rotating Basic
Alternating Turns
Quick Transition (“Maybe we found love right where we are….”)
Send out, cradle, roll out to side by side position, step into dance position