It's Time to Dance!

Thank you for signing up for our Wedding Dance Program. You are only a few steps (and spins) away from having the time of your life at your wedding!

And remember, we are only a click away. You can always schedule a virtual livestream lesson with us if you need any additional help with your dancing. And if you are interested in Custom Dance Choreography, we’d be happy to help! Simply fill out this questionnaire and get started!

Ready to dance? Start with the essential dance elements below.

Learning the Steps

After learning all of the essential dance elements, you are now ready to learn the important steps in the choreography! After practicing the steps below, you can move on to the last section of the program, in which we will show you how to connect the steps. Have fun dancing!

  1. The Box

  2. Underarm Turn

  3. 5th Position

  4. 5th Position with Turn

  5. Smooth Swing Basic (*Please note that we will be dancing to “even-timing” in Smooth Swing.)

  6. Inside Turn

  7. Cradle

  8. Back Roll

  9. Leader’s Wrap

  10. Cha Cha Basic

  11. Cha Cha Right Turn

  12. Cha Cha Chase

Learning the Choreography

Now, let’s put all of the steps you’ve learned together into this lovely routine! To learn the routine, we suggest you learn it in sections. Practice each section without music first and then with music. Also, watch the demo video and use the written instruction listed below for musical cues. Have fun!

If you need additional help with your dancing, feel free to schedule a virtual livestream lesson with us. And if you’d like to make changes to the dance or spice it up more, you can hire us to choreograph something special for you. Get started here.

Purchase this song here!

Dance Demo

Full body

Written Instruction

Intro -

  • Walk in towards each other

  • Leader takes follower’s left hand and they continue to walk in together

  • Leader takes follower’s right hand, clockwise spin

  • Cha-cha basic

  • Shortened cha-cha chase (leader turns, follower follows)

  • Come into dance frame (follower body rolls into closed position)

Verse Pattern -

  • Half box into Underarm turn

  • Crossover break into parallel rocks

  • Follower right turn

  • Box

  • Underarm turn with inside turn

  • Box (use as transition)

Chorus -

  • Smooth swing basic

  • Double inside turn

  • Basic

  • Double face loop to inside turn

  • Basic

  • Back roll to inside turn

  • Basic (to face front)

  • Cradle 

  • Follower steps across leader for a quick circle dip

  • Rock steps rotating left (timing is slow, slow, quick-quick-quick-quick)

  • Inside turn to side-by-side

  • Follower spins into frame

Repeat Verse Pattern

Repeat Chorus until After Cradle

Add 2 basics 

Leader’s wrap to double inside (counterclockwise) turn for the follower

Highlight -

  • Cha-cha basic (stay connected in frame)

  • Follower’s right turn

  • Leader’s right turn (disconnect from frame)

  • Two steps to reconnect in a two-hand hold

  • Follower swivels (timing is slow, slow, quick-quick-quick)

Repeat Second Chorus with added Basics & Leader’s Wrap

End with spiral lift (bent or straight legs)

Need additional help? Schedule a Virtual Livestream Lesson with us!