🎄 Holiday Special Dance Routine
Kick start the holiday with this festival choreography to “All I Want For Christmas” by Mariah Carey! In this dance routine, we’ve incorporated some fun Rumba and Swing moves. Can’t wait for you show off your new dance moves at your next holiday event! Have fun and happy holidays!
*Only available until Jan 30, 2023
Dance Demo
Learning the Choreography
Written Instruction
Intro (1 count of 8) -
Leader spins in
Follower spins in
Outside turn to frame
Pattern 1 (4 counts of 8) -
Underarm turn
Box into cradle circle
Pattern 2 (4 counts of 8) -
Leader’s face loop, switch places
4 Step taps starting left
Jump in, grab hands, jump out, jump in, step out and tap
Double pin follower in, face loop
Chorus -
Single swing basic
Continuous rock step
Double inside turn
Quick circular dip
Outside turn
Pattern 3 (8 counts of 8) -
2 Basics
Waist roll/shadow-typewriter
Leader’s wrap to inside turn
Repeat Chorus
Highlight -
Shadow position after outside turn
Slow grapevine
Wind up, double spin
Double hand underarm turn
Open up back to back, sway 4 times
Step, touch hands facing each other
Step away, hand touch behind
Step, touch hands facing each other
Outside spin to two hand hold
Quick cradle position & cradle circle, unwind
Repeat Pattern 2 (replace step taps with step kicks)
Repeat Chorus until helicopter
Ending -
Outside spin to side by side
Roll into basket lift
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