Custom Choreography for Will Herman
Here you will find all of the tools for putting together your father daughter dance! We suggest learning the individual steps first, then using the breakdown video to piece the moves together section by section. Begin practicing without music, then incorporate music as you get more comfortable with the movement. The written instructions for your dance are at the bottom of this page for easy reviewing. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Have fun dancing!
Dance Demo
PW: WHpackage2
Start with the fundamentals
Learn the Steps
For your choreo: focus on the Waist Roll
Connect all the steps
Will Herman
Custom Choreography - Father Daughter
Package 2
Intro (4 sets of 8):
Walk in from opposite sides clapping hands
Grapevine side to side facing each other (leader start left, follower right)
Tap in, tap out, follower spins to the right to dance frame
Pattern 1 (2 sets of 8)
Step tap side to side in closed dance frame (leader starts left, follower right)
Follower turns outside/clockwise under the arm while leader continues step taps
Pattern 2 (6 sets of 8)
2 (east coast) single swing basics
Double face loop, follower inside turns out of
2 single swing basics
Continuous rocks, 2 sways out of to prep for chorus
Pattern 3 (4 sets of 8)
2 hustle/smooth swing basics
Leader’s Waist Roll into Shadow
Typewriter, follower inside turn out of
Highlight/Transition (4 sets of 8)
Follower walk around half circle clockwise to get side by side with leader
Step tap in, away, in, away
Turn and switch sides
Kick away, kick in
Follower spins left to get back into closed frame
Repeat Pattern 1 facing opposite angle (2 sets of 8)
Patten 2 Continued (6 sets of 8)
2 (east coast) swing basics
Double face loop, follower’s inside turn / leader switches arm around the back, follower’s inside turn out of
Continuous rocks, 2 sways to prep for chorus
Repeat Pattern 3 (4 sets of 8)
Add leader’s shoulder slide after shadow, typewriter, inside turn
Outro (4 sets of 8)
Repeat follower walk around, step taps in-away, and turning to switch sides
Follower spins left in to Cradle
Side Lean
Follower frisbee spin out to finish