Custom Choreography for Peter Polcari
Here you will find all of the tools for putting together your first dance! We suggest learning the individual steps first, then using the breakdown video to piece the moves together section by section. Begin practicing without music, then incorporate music as you get more comfortable with the steps. The written instructions for your dance are at the bottom of this page for easy reviewing. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Have fun dancing!
Dance Demo
Password: P-A10/5
Start with the fundamentals
Learn the Steps
We are going to do a little mashup of styles for your dance! The next two videos are both teaching the box step. You can primarily learn off of the rumba video, especially with consideration for the timing and footwork. But I’ve included the waltz box as well for you to practice the more formal technique (shaping/rise and fall) that they used in the video (but please ignore the waltz timing). For the notes about technique, please start at 1:45 and watch until around 3:40. This technique is more similar to what we did in your demo video!
Similarly, for the rumba under arm turn, ignore the stylistic elements that they talk about and instead use the waltz rise and fall as well as the waltz shaping.
The lean is taught as an intro in the above video, but we will use this step in the middle of the dance, so please focus on learning the cradle position and the leaning action.
You will likely use one of the to-the-knee options for your ending but I wanted to include the dip video in case you change your mind! If you decide to use this ending for your dance, you would be dipping on the opposite side that the instructional video demonstrates. Peter, you would bend your right leg and Annie you would bend your left leg.
Connect all your steps
Peter Polcari
Custom Choreography (Father Daughter)
Package 2
Intro (4 sets of 8): 0:00-0:24
Walk in from the back hand in hand (1 sets of 8)
Lasso Annie around to right side and leader’s face loop (2 sets of 8)
Lasso Annie slightly more in front of you and inside turn to frame facing upper lefthand corner
Slow Fox Pattern 1 (3 sets of 8): 0:24-0:43
2 Left Rock Turns
Zig Zag
1 Left Rock Turn
Box Pattern 1 (5 sets of 8)
Underarm Turn
Underarm Turn and end in two hand hold
Go into hammerlock position on “slow”
Walk a half circle and unwind Annie back into frame with optional second turn
Slow Fox Pattern 2 ( 6 sets of 8 )
2 Basics
1 Left Rock Turn
Promenade with Turn
2 Left Rock Turns
2 Zig Zags
Box Pattern 2 (5 sets of 8)
Underarm Turn
Underarm Turn
Annie does a clockwise turn under Peter’s arm to switch hands on“Slow” Peter turns over left shoulder to face front and end side by side
Three Step turn to switch places and then three step turn back
Annie roll into cradle on “hurts to say goodbye” and lean on “even when it's not goodbye”
Slow Fox Transition (3 sets of 8)
Unwind and outside turn to frame for one count of 8
4 Left Rock Turns
Push out, hammerlock
Walk around
Lasso on “Before I let you go”
Leader’s faceloop “Today those double doors”
Spin in