Custom Choreography for Marisa Silberman

Here you will find all of the steps in your first dance! To learn this choreography, we suggest learning section by section, practicing without music, then incorporating music as you get more comfortable with the steps. This is meant to go along with your demo video and written instructions (below). If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Have fun dancing!

Dance Demo

Password: MarisaSCustomChoreo

Start with the fundamentals

Learn the Steps

Connect All Your Steps

Written outline of choreography

“All About Us”

Marisa Silberman Custom Choreography 

Package 1 | 3-5 Dance Moves

Intro - (6 sets of 8)

  • Walk halfway onto the floor together (under the chandelier) for one count of 8

  • Bring follower around in front of leader for a full 8

  • Take leader’s left hand on 1, 2, bring follower into closed frame on 3, 4

  • Sway on 5, 6, 7, 8

  • Inside to mini dip for a full 8 (counterclockwise, under leader’s left arm)

  • Turn back to side by side for a full 8 (clockwise, under leader’s right arm)

  • Keep walking towards the dance floor; bring follower around and get into closed frame

Pattern 1 - (2 sets of 8)

  • Slow dance basic

  • Follower’s right turn

Swing Pattern - (4 sets of 8)

  • 3 Single swing basics

  • 2 Outside turns back to back

  • Repeat above

  • Come back into dance frame on 7, 8

Pattern 2 - (4 sets of 8)

  • 2 Slow dance basics

  • Follower’s right turn

  • Slow dance basic

Transition - (2 sets of 8)

  • 2 Slow dance forward basics

Repeat Swing Pattern - (4 sets of 8)

Highlight - (8 sets of 8)

  • Sways for a full 8 - rotating clockwise about 180

  • Repeat Pattern 2

  • Repeat Transition

  • Sways for another full 8 - rotating clockwise slightly so leader is facing front again

Repeat Swing Pattern (4 sets of 8)

Send out, Inside turn, Dip hold for 4-5 secs