Custom Choreography for Lauren & Perry
Here you will find all of the tools for putting together your first dance! We suggest learning the foundations & individual steps first, then using the breakdown video to piece the moves together section by section. Begin practicing without music, then incorporate music as you get more comfortable with the steps. The written instructions for your dance are at the bottom of this page for easy reviewing. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Have fun dancing!
Dance Demo
Password: L&P9/22
Start with the fundamentals
Learn the Steps
Learn the Choreography
“Time After Time”
By Eva Cassidy
Intro (0:00- 0:32)
*start separated*
Walk to meet each other in middle and join hands (leader on left side, follower on right)
Walk forward together, leader loops right arm over follower’s head on the silence, follower unwinds clockwise
Follower “lasso” walks around leader to finish at leader’s right side
Follower spins left into cradle position
Cradle walk around together clockwise on “turning in circles”
Follower unwinds and gets into dance frame/close embrace
Pattern 1 - Slow Dance (0:33-0:51)
Slow sways side to side rotating clockwise (8 counts)
Push out, inside turn, dip on “time after”
Pattern 2 - Rumba (0:52-1:13)
Half box, Under Arm Turn
Half box, follower spin clockwise into hammerlock
Pattern 3 - Highlight (1:14- 1:30)
Walk around clockwise one quarter
Follower continue walking, right arm goes over leader’s head, finish back to back
Back to back lean on “I’ve fallen behind”
Follower unwinds, leader unwinds, both open up to face front on “unwinds”
Follower free spins in to the right on the silence, leader meets them in the middle
Pattern 4 - Chorus (1:31-1:57)
Half side basic into follower’s left turn (get into two hands)
Leader’s wrap
Follower’s inside/left turn
Half basic into follower’s left turn (get into two hands)
Leader’s wrap
Follower’s inside/left turn to get into shadow position (side by side)
Side lean on “if you fall i will catch you”, come up on “I will be waiting”, small hug in that position
Outro (1:58-2:06)
Follower unwind clockwise both arms go over leader’s head to get into hug position
Sway 2x, big dip to finish on last “time”
Everyone joins dance floor!