Custom Choreography for Balyn Brotheridge


Here you will find all of the steps in your first dance! To learn this choreography, we suggest learning section by section, practicing without music, then incorporating music as you get more comfortable with the steps. This is meant to go along with your demo video and written instructions (below). If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Have fun dancing!

Dance Demo

PW: balynb1129

Start with the fundamentals

Learn the Steps

Connect all the steps

PW: balynb1129

 “Never in a Million Years” 

Custom Choreography for Balyn Brotheridge

Package 2

Intro: (4 sets of 8) 

  • Walk onto dance floor hand in hand 

  • Follower lasso walk around to get side by side with leader

  • Follower spin in to Cradle 

  • Sway side to side (R, L, R, L)

  • Unwind from Cradle and prep for Foxtrot 

Pattern 1 - Slow Fox (2 sets of 8)

  • 2 Slow Foxtrot basics 

  • Left Rock Turn 

  • Left Rock Turn with follower’s spin 

Pattern 2 - Swing (5 sets of 8)

  • 4 swing basics 

  • Infinity Combo (leader’s wrap, follower’s turn, leader’s wrap)  

  • 2 basics

  • Cradle

  • 2 basics to finish and transition back into slow fox  

Pattern 3 - Slow Fox (4 sets of 8)

  • 3 Slow Foxtrot basics 

  • Left Rock Turn 

  • Grapevine 

  • Left Rock Turn 

  • Left Rock Turn with follower’s spin 

Repeat Patten 2 - Swing (5 sets of 8)

Highlight (4 sets of 8) 

  • Push out - Hammerlock (slowly) 

  • Walk around clockwise 

  • Unwind and turn into cradle 

  • Side lean 

  • Follower spin out, both meet in the middle to prep for lift 

Outro (2 sets of 8)

  • Bottle Rocket Lift, rotate around

  • Slide down and finish with dip