Learning the Steps and Choreography

For this month’s choreography, we are combining a Latin dance style, Bachata, and the modified Foxtrot to create a romantic yet beginner friendly dance pattern. We performed our demo to the song, “Best Part” but you are welcome to dance it to any song that has a similar tempo. Feel free to use our playlist to practice. Also, we encourage you to be creative with the moves that you’ve learned. You can mix and match the steps and create a dance pattern that both you and your partner enjoy. Have fun dancing!

Dance Demo

essential dance elements

Learn the Steps

Learn the Routine

Written Pattern

Intro (2 sets of 8)

Walk towards each other and get into dance position (8 counts)

Circular dip (4 counts) and sways (4 counts)

Dance Pattern 1

Rotating Basic

Half Basic to Inside Turn (end with leader’s left hand on shoulder)

Forward Basic

Rotating Basic

Dance Pattern 2

Slow Fox Basic

Left Rock Turn

Slow Fox Basic

Left Rock Turn

Dance Pattern 3

Half Basic to Inside Turn

Follower’s Outside Turn

Rotating Basic (end in side by side pos)

Swivels x 3 (end in shadow pos)

Ending Pattern

Sways x3 (2 counts each) and roll out to side by side (7,8)

Roll into cradle (3 counts), lean on “4”

End in quick drop dip on count “1” (music cue - “Best Part”)